April 1, 2021
Dear clients of Healthy Choice Massage Therapy,
We are open and serving our clients.
The provincial government gave the go-ahead to allow Regulated Health Care Professionals, including massage therapists, to slowly return to their practice according to guidelines set out by our public health agencies. As such, there will be some changes to how we go about our business for the next little while.
- We are working reduced hours to reduce traffic in the clinic.
- Please book your appointment online or e-mail the clinic at [email protected] or phone 613-216-9677 to book your appointment.
- Once your appointment has been booked, you can expect a pre-screening phone call from your therapist asking questions about your current health and travel history. These same questions will be asked at the time of your appointment.
- When you arrive for your appointment, please wait in your car or outside the clinic. We will call or text you when we are ready for you.
- Upon entering the clinic, you will be asked to sanitize your hands and wear a mask immediately. Cloth masks are acceptable. If you have your own, please bring it; otherwise, we will supply you with one.
- For the next few weeks, we will no longer be doing direct billing. We will email you a receipt.
- We would prefer that you pay using the tap function or e-transfer to avoid cross-contamination on the keypad.
- Please bring your water bottle to the appointment, as we will not have any drinking water available.
- For your peace of mind, we want you to know that the clinic is thoroughly disinfected between each client.
- All of these measures are necessary to keep us all safe and healthy.
See you at the clinic!
Healthy Choice Massage Therapy.